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Hi :) My name is Tricia and this is my blogshop!

I currently run a homebased freelance nail salon and conduct classes too!!

Btw... you can find my various nail galleries in my Memories section and clicking on October

Have fun snooping around and feel free to comment or contact me @ 96948687 for any enquiries or to make an appointment

I look forward to hearing from all you future and potential Scratchers!! :)

Here's to beautiful nails...

xoxox trish.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CNY Promotion!!!

Hey there scratchers!!! Long time!! Sorry but work has kept me a busy bee... been coming back so late at nights that I have no time for myself let alone my clients :(... So... back to thinking about how I can go about rectifying that... hmmm...

Anyways... I'm here to announce that even though it's busy busy... but I know CNY is round the corner :) So... in preparation of that... I'm having a CNY promotion~~~

Basic Gel Nails- $75 (u.p. $80)

Basic Acrylic Nails- $80 (u.p. $90)

nail art promo prices separate based on complexity of design but definately will be cheaper when done in a set!!!

I hope to have the time to do up some CNY samples soon...

Call now to make appointments as I have very limited time slots... Best for weekend slots~! For more services please refer to my archive section Oct month to check on prices as well :)


written @ 5:39 PM

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Festive Gel Nails

All of the above were done on natural nails... using OPI gels in the top OPI colours :) There's a colour for everyone don't worry... All with addition of holographic glitter flakes... You have to see them in real life to experience the holograpic element... they glimmer and shine in every possible colour... depending on which angle the flakes catch the light... many satisfied customers so far... as this look is natural and neutral with a little glitz and drama to spice up the festive season...

Best thing about gel is that it will last you all the way through to the new year easy! So... no frantic finding of fully booked manicure shops to get ur nails done again for all those countdown parties you have lined up!

written @ 7:36 AM

Christmas Promotion!!!

Hey guys!!!

U'll be glad to know that I'm having a special Christmas Promo for the month of Dec :)

So... here it is as follows...

All gel nails @ $65 inclusive of festive glitter!!!!

All acrylic nails @ $150 inclusive of nail art!!!

And... $5 off manicures with addition of any nail art :)

Sooo... what are you guys waiting for???

Btw... If you already have a specific design in mind... I can gladly come over to do your nails at your own convenience!! For just a minimal fee of $10 extra

Just note that I am working so doing nails in the evenings will have to start from 8-8.30pm at the earliest

Weekends are flexi so they would be best...

written @ 7:29 AM

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey Scratchers! It's been awhile i know... that's cos i've been hard at work in my new office :) Not to forget about nails of course!!!

Just as Christmas is approaching, I have recently been asked alot about gel on short nails. Of course it can be done. Infact, it's ideal infact! I can explain more about the makeup of gel and how it works in person as I'm doing your nails... if u're interested to find out more... or if you would like to learn anythinabout nail or nail care, there are lessons available. I can customise classes for individuals or groups :)

Ok anyways back to nail pics... this one is the most recent set of simple gel nails with glitter that I have on now... easier for me to type at work! Even though i'm not used to having such short nails... and looking at them makes me feel like i'm looking at someone else's hands... but nevertheless, they're sparkly and nice hee ^^ I'm planning to add on additional hand painted snowflakes and snow to them when i find the time and energy in the next couple of days and I'll be sure to update you guys with pics... I actually did a sample of it which i really should take a photo of... but... yeah... don't worry i'll get round to it i promise.

As for these lil tootsies... they belong to a client who came to do a set of gel nails pre-Christmas hoping to beat the crowd... so i gave her a pink gradation, with glitter on the tips... and hand painted lace detail on each toe... topped off with stones and embellishments on the big toes... since they're gel... they should last all through Christmas and the new year no prob~~!! The beauty of gel. Which reminds me... my own set of gel on my toes have been on for 2 months now! They're all perfectly beautiful apart from the fact that the new nail has grown out quite abit now... but it's time for a change to something more festive anyways... so... more pics to come on that soon once I've completed it..

Incase u're all wondering... YES i shall be having a Christmas PROMOTION this year... once I have firmed up on the details I shall post it here for you guys :) I'll also post some Christmas designs for you to have a look... in the meantime... bye!!

written @ 8:50 AM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm Back!

Hey guys :) I'm finally back from HK and Korea and boy... it's taken me 4 days to recuperate and to unpack and all that nonsense... right so here's the update and some pics from the trip.

As u guys know, I won 3rd place overall in Division 1 for my mixed media artwork and also won a special mention medal for my red polish manicure, both in Korea. Although there were enough people to fill an expo hall, apparently the size of this year's competition was lower due to the H1N1 alert in Korea currently... There were also half the number of exhibitors as compared to the usual, which was unfortunate for us all as I was looking forward to some good deals on nail stuff... in the end the only thing i managed to purchase were nail tips... but they're good quality and pretty anyways so it's all good. Oh yes! I also bought some stones and gems last min so that's good too!

This was taken from my seat just before the competition started... Mine were both back to back so it was pretty rushed... from 11.30am all the way till about 4pm!

Here I am with my winnings and certs with my Principal of Pink Room

I actually whipped out the set i was most pleased with and did a set of acrylic nails yesterday to give them a whirl and I must say that i'm likin them ^^ They would be perfect for bridal :) Scalloped french edges with cut out hearts at the smile line...very sweet and elegant at the same time...

This above set will be approx $150 for the extensions alone due to the imported nail tips... and the additional glitter colour... Handpainted lace and artwork will be charged seperately based on designs chosen... but the results speak for themselves... sweet and elegant yet super shiny with a gel topcoat... Don't worry I didn't forget about the bling~~ Bling was added to the underside of the nails... a *Scratch Nails Signature* *winks* To grab ur exclusive set of nails call soon to book before they run out!

I'll be posting more pics and stuff as I can... Blogger is not being very cooperative with me today so I shall try again later :)

By the way folks, those interested to do nails... please note that as from this coming monday onwards, I will be holding a full time office job... so I'll only be free to do nails either in the evenings or on weekends... I know I know... but this girl's gotta eat!! As such... please bear this in mind and I still hope to see u guys~~~

written @ 12:06 AM

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Competition Day

Hey Scratchers! Good news! I won a third prize trophy for my mixed media nail art in Korea today, and also a special mention medal for my manicure :) Pics are coming once I return to Singapore... I'm coming to you all live from my motel room here... weather is turning cold these days... and it's really cold at night... it's our last night tonight and so we're going to make full use of it by some last minute shopping!!! Kk lotsa pictures to come and soon...

written @ 6:00 AM

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lincon Park After Dark

Here are my recent gel nails for Halloween... I went as Lady Gaga... I used Lincon Park After Dark... a very deep purple over my natural short nails as I cut them so I'll have an easier time at the upcoming competitions.

written @ 2:12 AM